Never ship a product without having your client sign a credit agreement. It is just one more way of emphasizing the need for your customers to pay their bills on time. A good credit agreement outlines the payment terms, any interest on late payments, the payment address, and customer service...
Back Charges Bankruptcy Bond Claims Certified Payroll Change Orders Collections Construction Accounting Construction Contract Construction Finance Construction Trust Fund Contractor Termination Credit Management Credit Policy Demand Letters Dispute Resolution Joint Checks Legal Alerts Licensing Lien Releases Lien Waive...
Paying a debt won't immediately erase all traces of it from your credit profile. Instead, the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows credit-reporting agencies to keep and display the information for up to seven years. For negative information, such as an account in collections, the seven-year window...
Yes, this is playing hardball, but if you have invoices that are more than 90 days past due and you don’t think they will be paid, you can sell those receivables to a collections agency. You’ll get pennies on the dollar, but at least it’s something. Just remember that sending ...
So, not only do you have the Charge-Off, but you likely also have/had the Collections Agency account on your report. Now that you paid this you have - potentially - the possibility of having that Collections Account removed from your credit reports. Well, hopefully. After th...
I have another topic I made on here detailing my journey so far, but I felt this warranted it's own topic. I'll start with the TL;DR - I got invited to the Optima program, so I paid off my balance in full, still have yet to receive a letter...
In addition, review your credit score and credit report. A good credit score is essential for future financial opportunities, such as obtaining a mortgage or accessing low-interest loans. Take steps to improve your credit score if needed, such as paying bills on time and reducing credit card ...
For anyone being taken in by this scam, just contact the local service branch recruiting office in your area and they can tell you the same thing. Please don't fall for this, or you'll be wondering where your bank account went, and will start getting bills for credit cards you don't...
Chaser helps businesses get paid sooner with its all-in-one accounts receivables automation platform, debt collections and credit control services. Users can credit check, monitor debtors, chase late invoices via SMS and email, collect payments, recover debt and reconcile accounts, all in t...
paid in full instead of settled in full, you can avoid having that negative mark on your credit report and subsequent hit to your credit score. If your creditor agrees, be sure to get it in writing, along with the date the account will be reported to the credit bureaus as paid in ...