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Site Selection and Performance in Clinical Trials Although the interpretation of the data provided by Greene et al may be uncertain, these authors are to be applauded in tackling a highly relevant subject that has been overlooked for too long but is of critical importance to the efficie... McMu...
This approach has been tested in preclinical studies by Gamma Vaccines Pty (Manuka, A.C.T., Australia) and is now being tested in a full clinical trial. The most promising result was obtained with the gamma-irradiated, completely killed attenuated HIV vaccines SAV0001 and Remune [76]. This...
A shift in online interest towards minimally invasive surgical therapies for benign prostatic hyperplasia was demonstrated in the US and worldwide and parallels clinical practice patterns, such as HoLEP and Urolift surgical volumes in Indiana and Australia, respectively....
simulation was skewed, with six EWB items used>40% of the time.Compared to the paper–pencil IVI instrument, the IVI-CATs required fewer items without loss of measurement precision, making them potentially attractive outcome instruments for implementation into clini...