is a Singapore citizen and who is aged 7 years and above but below 13 years of age (regardless of the number of children my employee has).❑ I have agreed to allow my employee (referred to in Part 1) to take the childcare leave/extended childcare leaveon the dates stated in Part 4...
is a Singapore citizen and who is aged 7 years and above but below 13 years of age (regardless of the number of children my employee has).❑ I have agreed to allow my employee (referred to in Part 1) to take the childcare leave/extended childcare leaveon the dates stated in Part 4...
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The paid parental leave is one of the measures of social welfare encouraging the employment of parents (and especially mothers) through the paid leave to take care of children. This article explores how the paid parental leave system contributes to the reconciliation of childcare and work in Lithu...
Vivien Labaton, cofounder and co-director ofMake It Work Actioncalls this approach a bait and switch. “On one hand, he’s proposing childcare and paid leave plans that provide the bare minimum in terms of benefits, while on the other hand he’s proposing oppressive budget cuts that wil...
Routinely working under conditions that adversely impact their physical and mental health, women often quit factory-based work either because they are unable to manage (under-) paid work with childcare responsibilities or because the strenuous work in factories has “run them down.” Addressing ...
Contesting ideologies and the role of government policies in arresting ultra low fertility: The Singapore experience The incentives cover an expansive range of benefits from fiscal incentives which include the iconic Baby Bonus schemes, to various childcare support and leave options, the most generous ...
(until the end of December 2020) to cover leave and loss of income when an employee needs to care for children because of school and childcare closures because of COVID-19; (2) created two weeks of paid sick leave for childcare and other leave related ...
LABOR supplyFERTILITYHUMAN fertilityCHILD careCONTRACEPTIONPARENTAL leaveEMPLOYEE vacationsReview of Economics of the Household - We consider the effects of a paid childcare leave subsidy on maternal behavior in South Korea using a difference-in-difference design and a fertility survey......
Work-family reconciliation and use of parental leave in Luxembourg : empirical analysis of administrative records The study investigates the decisions of fathers to use parental leave at the individual level. The focus is on the opportunity cost fathers would face for ... N Zhelyazkova - 《Genera...