必应词典为您提供Paiche的释义,网络释义: 巨骨舌鱼;淡水鱼;已售;
paiche n. 巨骨舌鱼,巨滑舌鱼(主要分布在南美洲的亚马逊河里,被认为是活化石。) AI (abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能 人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。 ai abbr. 1.=accidentally incurred 偶然招致的,遭遇意外 2...
1. Paiche是一种巨骨舌鱼,它在巴西被称作“pirarucu”,在秘鲁则被称为“paiche”。2. 巨骨舌鱼是南美洲最大的淡水鱼之一,体长可达3米以上,体重可超过180公斤。3. 这种鱼成为了南美洲多个保护计划的重点,包括设立禁止捕捞的区域和实施捕鱼配额等措施。4. 巨骨舌鱼类是热带大型淡水鱼,尤其是...
The meaning of PAICHE is pirarucu.
Define Paiche. Paiche synonyms, Paiche pronunciation, Paiche translation, English dictionary definition of Paiche. n. A large South American freshwater food fish that can attain a length of up to 3 meters . Also called pirarucu . American Heritage® Di
Previously, it was thought there was one species of arapaima, which also goes by the common names pirarucu or paiche. Giant Amazon arapaima fish may be threatened by overfishing This ancient fish, known as paiche in Peru and arapaima in British Guinea, is well adapted to life in jungle riv...
The paiche, a huge, air-breathing fish, is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, which has fed Amazonian people for thousands of years. Fully grown, it can reach seven feet long or more. As for weight, the paiche can reach anywhere from 200to 400 pounds.The paiche isn'...
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