物联网(Internet of Things,IoT)时代机器之间(Machine-to-Machine,M2M)的大规模沟通需要发布/订阅(Publish/Subscribe)模式,轻量级、易扩展的MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)顺势推进。MQTT是基于二进制消息的发布/订阅编程模式的消息协议,适合需要低功耗和网络带宽有限的IoT场景。 协议就是通信双方的一个约定,...
}elseif(ackinstanceofMqttPubAck || ackinstanceofMqttPubComp) {// QoS 1 & 2 notify users of result before removing from// persistencenotifyResult(ack, token, mex);// Do not remove publish / delivery token at this stage// do this when the persistence is removed later}elseif(ackinstanceof...
}elseif(ackinstanceofMqttPubAck || ackinstanceofMqttPubComp) {// QoS 1 & 2 notify users of result before removing from// persistencenotifyResult(ack, token, mex);// Do not remove publish / delivery token at this stage// do this when the persistence is removed later}elseif(ackinstanceof...
aiot_mqtt_sign.c文件定义了函数aiotMqttSign(),函数说明如下: 原型: int aiotMqttSign(const char *productKey, const char *deviceName, const char *deviceSecret, char clientId[150], char username[65], char password[65]); 功能: 用于计算设备接入物联网平台的MQTT连接参数username、password和clie...
will 遗嘱操作,设置遗嘱topic和消息 username 登录服务器用的用户名 password 登录服务器用的密码 connectTimeout 连接超时时间 retryInterval 发布消息但没有收到服务器响应的话,重发retryInterval这么多秒;0关闭重发; ssl ssl操作,设置SSL属性 serverURIcount 服务器数量,默认是0 serverURIs 服务器地址 MQTTVersion MQ...
log.fine(className, methodName, "802", new Object[] { message.getKey(), message }); if (message instanceof MqttAck) { out.write(message); out.flush(); } else { MqttToken token = tokenStore.getToken(message); // While quiescing the tokenstore can be cleared so need //...
Topic: Topics are used to identify and differentiate between different messages, forming the basis of MQTT message routing. It will be used when subscribing and publishing. 6. Connect to the broker Now that you have created the MQTT client and set up the connection options, you are ready to...