最近读到了 paho.mqtt 的C语言实现版本,其中socket数据包使用了链表进行管理,这个链表是源作者手动实现的,很有意思,推荐给大家看看。最重要的一点:包含注释,而且整体很规范。 .h头文件:typedef struct List…
paho.mqtt.c打印日志 paho.mqtt.c打印⽇志 mqtt中⾃⾝就带有⽇志系统Log.h和Log.c,这些⽇志⽂件是在客户端调⽤MQTTClient_create函数是初始化的,MQTTClient_create源码如下:int MQTTClient_create(MQTTClient* handle, const char* serverURI, const char* clientId,int persistence_type, void* ...
MQTTClient_disconnect(client, 10000); printf("Disconnected from MQTT broker\n"); MQTTClient_destroy(&client); return rc; } ``` 在运行此代码之前,请确保您已安装了Paho MQTT C语言客户端库,并已正确链接到您的项目中。此外,请确保您的MQTT代理正在运行并监听在本地主机的1883端口上。©...
paho_c_sub_static /usr/bin/paho_cs_pub /usr/bin/paho_cs_pub_static /usr/bin/paho_cs_sub /usr/bin/paho_cs_sub_static /usr/share/doc/paho.mqtt.c-examples/changelog.Debian.gz /usr/share/doc/paho.mqtt.c-examples/copyright /usr/share/man/man1/MQTTAsync_publish.1.gz /usr/share/man...
Eclipse Paho C Client Library for the MQTT Protocol This repository contains the source code for theEclipse PahoMQTT C client library. This code builds libraries which enable applications to connect to anMQTTbroker to publish messages, and to subscribe to topics and receive published messages. ...
Paho-MQTT-C移植到Linux 1、下载Paho-MQTT-C 通过git下载 登录后复制git clone https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c.git 去到github上面下载,下载网址为:https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c 2、安装Paho-MQTT-C 去到paho.mqtt.c目录下(cd paho.mqtt.c), 输入cmake ./命令生成makefile文件,...
这个结构体用来描述一个MQTT包的写缓冲区,每个成员的意思都写得很清楚,就是一块内存以及内存的长度,以及掩码。 (2)Sockets结构体 /** * Structure to hold all socket data for the module */ typedef struct { List* connect_pending; /**< list of sockets for which a connect is pending */ List* ...
account that the current implementation of MQTTPacket_read() has a function pointer for a function call to get the data to a buffer, but no provisions to know the caller or other indicator (the socket id): int (*getfn)(unsigned char*, int)*/ static int mysock = INVALID_SOCKET;
void delivered(void *context, MQTTClient_deliveryToken dt) { printf("Message with token value %d delivery confirmed\n", dt); deliveredtoken = dt; } int msgarrvd(void *context, char *topicName, int topicLen, MQTTClient_message *message) ...
Paho-MQTT C(嵌入式版)接入樣本,IoT Platform:本文介紹如何使用Paho提供的嵌入式C語言MQTT開源工程,將裝置接入阿里雲物聯網平台,並進行訊息收發。 本文操作步驟以普通使用者權限為例。如果您在操作過程中涉及到管理員權限才能執行的操作,可嘗試使用sudo命令執行。