城市英文名称 : Pahiatua 州或国家代码 : NZ 国家中文名 : 新西兰 国家英文名 : New Zealand 城市所在纬度 : 40°27'00.00"S 城市所在经度 : 175°50'00.00"E
NZPostPost office St Paul's Union ChurchChurch Pahiatua Christian FellowshipChurch Pahiatua Volunteer Fire BrigadeFire station The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsChurchPopular Destinations in New Zealand Discover Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury and Christchurch. Auckland Wellington Canterbury ...
Bulletin of the NZ Society for Earthquake Engineering 32: 221-245.Downes, G., Dowrick, D., Smith, E. and Berryman, K., 1999. The 1934 Pahiatua Earthquake sequence: Analysis of observational and instrumental data. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 32: 221-245....
NZMS 260 S25S26Six trenches and additional exposures have been investigated along a 23 km length of the Pahiatua section of the Wellington Fault. The sites show a consistent fault rupture record for the last four surfacefaulting events along the Pahiatua section. This multisite record of events,...
NZMS 260 sheets S25T24The Wellington Fault is a major active, right lateral, strikeslip fault in southern North Island that can be divided into three distinct geometric sections based on changes in neotectonic character and structural complexities. These are, from south to north: the Wellington...