必应词典为您提供pagodatree的释义,na. 槐;【植】长成塔状的东方树木;榕树;(白)鸡蛋花; 网络释义: 槐花;国槐;
读音:美英 pagoda tree基本解释 槐树;宝塔树;槐木;摇钱树 分词解释 pagoda塔,宝塔 tree树 pagoda tree是什么意思 pagoda tree怎么读 pagoda tree在线翻译 pagoda tree中文意思 pagoda tree的解释 pagoda tree的发音 pagoda tree意思是什么 pagoda tree怎么翻译 pagoda tree的中文翻译 pagoda tree的意思翻译 pagoda tree...
pagoda tree 英:[pəˈgəʊdə tri:] 美:[pəˈɡodə tri] n. pagoda tree n. tall sparingly branched conical tree having large fragrant yellow flowers with white centers 同义词:West Indian jasminePlumeria alba frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; grown i...
shake the pagoda tree(在印度等地)暴发致富(指殖民者) bud of japanese pagoda tree槐花米 fruit of Japanese pagoda tree槐角子 solid pagoda实心塔 Buddhist pagoda佛塔 wood pagoda木塔 glazed pagoda琉璃塔 pagoda stone叶蜡石,宝塔石 相似单词 pagodan. 宝塔 ...
Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger. 蚂蚁缘槐夸大国。 A superior lies under the tree to sleep,with his chest unsheltered and feet bare. 画绘盛夏庭院中绿槐浓荫,树下一翁袒胸赤足卧与榻上,恬然入梦。 权威例句 Chinese scholar tree ...
The meaning of PAGODA TREE is any of several trees of erect habit and conical form suggestive of a pagoda.
商标名称 PAGODA TREE 国际分类 第07类-机械设备 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 18278307 申请日期 2015-11-09 申请人名称(中文) 济南国槐工贸有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 山东省济南市天桥区大鲁庄工业园二区20号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2016-09-13 注册...
解析 应该这样说这两个词都可以.给你几张图片. locust tree 通常指的是 Japanese locust tree pagoda tree 似乎美洲提到的多一些,可能是美国研究的多一些. 槐属植物的泛称 [sophora;pagoda tree]. 分析总结。 这里提两种说法locusttree和pagodatree前者我在牛津里只查到蝗虫的意思...
2.pagoda tree- frangipani of India having an erect habit and conical form; grown in temple gardens Plumeria acutifolia,temple tree frangipani,frangipanni- any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeria having milky sap and showy fragrant funnel-shaped variously color...
n. 宝塔pagoda 网络释义n. (东方寺院的)宝塔;印度的旧金币pagoda 词性变化名词复数形式:pagodas中文词源pagoda 佛塔可能来自中国古代的八角塔音译,后由欧洲人将该词引入欧洲,或来自波斯语butkada,来自but,神,kada,庙。词组短语1、Japanese pagoda tree [网络] 槐树 2、pagoda tree n. 塔状树,摇钱树; 槐树 3...