Infinite Scrolling Pagination in Flutter Oct 13 2020 , Dart 2.7, Flutter 1.22, Android Studio 4.1 Dart 2.7, Flutter 1.22, Android Studio 4.1 Learn how to implement infinite scrolling pagination (also known as lazy loading) in Flutter using the Infinite Scroll Pagination package. By Edson Bueno...
If you want to see the code of the above example see it onGitHub. I wrote the complete example withDependency Injection,Abstractionsand with theModularapproach. That’s it guys this is my demonstration aboutFuture BuilderwithPaginationinFlutter. I hope you guy’s have learned something from this...
Step 1:Include the Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid package dependency in thepubspec.yamlfile of your project with the following code. syncfusion_flutter_datagrid: ^18.3.35-beta Step 2:Import the DataGrid package in themain.dartfile using the following code example. import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_dat...
The following example (including realm) works like a charm for me: import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:realm/realm.dart'; part 'main.g.dart'; @RealmModel() class _Stuff { late int id; } final realm = Realm(Configuration.local([Stuff.schema])...
To use this package see the followingexample. Animation: Icons: QudsAnimatedIcon A wrap widget to control Flutter AnimatedIcon easily. QudsAnimatedIcon( iconData: AnimatedIcons.play_pause, showStartIcon: _isPlaying, ) What if desired to combine another two icons?
Listen to state changes: In addition to displaying widgets to inform the current status, such as progress and error indicators, you can also use a listener to display dialogs/snackbars/toasts or execute any other action. API OverviewAbout Flutter package to help you lazily load and display page...
In the PR, I've added unit tests for CoinEurBloc functions onAppStarted, onLoadMoreCoins and onRefreshCoins. @esmaeil-ahmadipour Please let me know your thoughts. I've also suggested a refactor to ...