Tracing information can help you to clarify errors or undesired results as ASP. NET processes a page request. 当ASP.NET处理页请求时,跟踪信息可以帮助您查清错误或不希望得到的结果。 7. Then any results need to be relayed back to the director, which then returns the response...
Enabling tracing at page level gives you a bunch of information that can be useful while debugging your application.Tracing helps understand which control uses more view state, start/end of PreInit, start/end of Init, start/end of Render, etc. This informati...
If there is a common attribute that you want to apply to all pages, for example if you want to enable tracing on all pages, consider enabling the feature in the Web.config file rather than adding the Trace attribute to every individual page....
Ends design-time tracing of rendering data. (Inherited from Control) EnsureChildControls() Determines whether the server control contains child controls. If it does not, it creates child controls. (Inherited from Control) EnsureID() Creates an identifier for controls that do not have an id...
-q, --chrometrace: capture chrome trace (about://tracing) (Chrome only) --tracecategories<categories>>: trace categories (when chrometrace enabled) (Chrome only) -G, --netlog: capture Network Log (Chrome only) -Q, --datareduction: enable data reduction on Chrome 34+ Android (Chrome only...
有关跟踪的更多信息,请参见 ASP.NET Tracing Overview。 Transaction 指示在页上是否支持 COM+ 事务。 可能的值有 Disabled、NotSupported、Supported、Required 和 RequiresNew。 默认值为 Disabled。 UICulture 指定用于页的用户界面 (UI) 区域性设置。 支持任何有效的 UI 区域性值。 有关更多信息,请参见 ...
QueryIncidentTracingDetail - 获取事件溯源图明细 BindHybridProxy - 接入混合云代理 GetClusterStrategyCount - 查询每个集群中包含的策略数 ListUnfinishedOnceTask - 查询未完成的任务列表 QueryIncidentIconList - 获取溯源图标列表 ListBackupRecord - 查询备份记录列表 ResetHoneypot - 重置蜜罐 StartHoneypot - 开启...
QueryIncidentTracingJudge - 判断事件是否可溯源 QueryIncidentVertexExtendInfo - 获取事件的扩展属性 QueryIncidentSubNodesCount - 获取节点是否可下钻 UnMarkMonitorAccounts - 多账号管理取消成员账号打标 QueryIncidentTracingDetail - 获取事件溯源图明细 BindHybridProxy - 接入混合云代理 QueryIncidentVertexNodes - 获...
logger.js:31 Sentry Logger [Log]: [Tracing] flushing IdleTransaction logger.js:31 Sentry Logger [Log]: [Measurements] Adding measurements to transaction { "connection.rtt": { "value": 250 }, "connection.downlink": { "value": 4.6 }, "ttfb": { "value": 67.50011444091797 }, "ttfb.reques...