If you have been waiting for word of a job interview, it will now come to you, but it may not be the outcome you had hoped for. Health (Reversed) The Page of Swords reversed in a health tarot spread suggested that you might be experiencing mental health problems or that you might ...
A vexatious dispute lingered on for two or three years, with actions in the Vice-Chancellor’s Court, and distinguished lawyers to plead for each side, and appeals to the University Court of Delegates, who reversed the decision of the Vice-Chancellor’s assessor. Somehow or other, Mr. Mac...
For swords dance or nasty plot users, you generally already have the power needed to kill anything with either +2, or +2 and a boosting ability like Beads of Ruin (which allows you to set up easier by being threatening without setup). Simple would have a niche as an extra high damage...
All of this would happen so instantaneously that when Chozu realized it was a log, Maki would already be behind him. From behind Chozu, Maki would place one of his swords at the side of Chozu’s neck just too slightly touch it and create a minor cut there. “Not yet Chozu” As...
She swung an uppercut straight up, as both blades broke position and quickly reversed to swing into her knocking her near the circle's outer rim. Midna reached a hand out, her palm glowing to completely stop the sliding of her own momentum. She flipped up and held her side briefly, ...