In the past position the Page of Pentacles is a very good card to find in a spread. You’re leaving behind a period of instability or immaturity and moving forward into a new period of growth. You understand money and how to use it intelligently. You may have just advanced at work or...
He shifted a facedown Ace of Pentacles to the bottom of the deck. “I’ve seen more perverts than Nighthound.” Fortuity came instantly to mind, passionately kissing one woman while another stood by. “The sooner they’re dead, the better. And Lightwards….” A reversed Six of Wands mo...
Abilities: His powers entirely consist of summoning creatures from other planes/worlds to fight for him. He uses pentacles to bind and control them. He generally summons demons, devils, and elementals, though other creatures, like fey things and deceased spirits, are controllable. Demons and devi...