圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 PAGE of CUPS 如果拒绝当下生活的历练,那么还会有另一个历练在等着你 牌面细节: 逆位置的圣杯侍从,对于保有专属物其实很生疏,圣杯很难捧得起来,容易不经意地滑落。代表不谙于情感之道,或者是不够用心而大意出错。圣杯翻覆的景况并不好受,水泼洒在地面上,而鱼将乾枯死亡。因为一时疏忽酿成悲剧...
PAGE OF CUPS BE EMOTIONAL BE INTUITIVE BE INTIMATE BE LOVING [ Actions ] [ Court Card Pairs ] [ Description ] [ Reversed? ] Be Emotional be moved or touched let your feelings show respond to beauty be sentimental or romantic shed your detachment...
Page of Cups reversed can indicate manipulations and artifices regarding love. You could be in a situation where you are lying to someone about your romantic feelings or someone is lying to you. The Page of Cups Reversed may believe that love is a game. They maybe a “serial dater” with...
小阿卡那圣杯牌——圣杯侍从(Page of cups)牌面意思解释,逆位状态在视频后半部分。#塔罗 #塔罗测试 #情感 - 宇宙指引于20230426发布在抖音,已经收获了5561个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
With the Page of Cups reversed, you may feel called to pursue a new creative project, but you doubt whether you can really make it work. Your inner critic may be on over-drive or others are telling you that you’re dreaming – so you are stalling and holding back. Ask yourself, “Wh...
圣杯牌组 宫廷牌 PAGE of CUPS 小心翼翼的呵护感情,有益于情感的奉献 牌面细节: 圣杯侍从穿着花朵图案的衣服,用好奇的眼光,没有任何压力地看着杯中蹦出的一条鱼,鱼象征想像力,从杯中探出头来,代表圣杯侍从拥有过人的想象力。 圣杯侍从身体很轻松地站着,左手叉腰,面带微笑,不难让人发现他个性友善。背景是...
Page of Cups Reversed Meaning When the Page of Cups card is reversed it suggests that those around this Page, or Princess, have been tolerant of his or her self-indulgent feelings. In reality, they don't owe you this service. If you impinge upon their good nature too much, you may be...
小阿卡那牌·圣杯:XXXV 圣杯十(Ten of Cups) 情感团体 家庭 满足 和谐 牌面解释这是齐乐融融的一家人,夫妻相拥各扬一只手,、迎向象征美好生活的圣杯与彩虹。两个孩子在一旁快乐的嬉戏。远处是他们的家。这是一副温馨感人的画面。这张… 詠貞发表于七十八张塔... 大阿卡那牌:XI 正义(Justice) 决定 正义...
圣杯侍从代表着“童真”与“好奇”,他的天马行空充满了他的生活,使他时刻牢记本心,回归最“本真”的自我。塔罗牌作为占卜类型的一种,运用了古老的西方神话和星象的知识进行推算,是十分具有神秘色彩的一种占卜方法。 牌名:圣杯侍从(Page Of Cups) 元素:水 ...