简单的问题:我可以以某种方式“静音”livewire 分页,这样就不会出现任何可见的 url 查询更改,例如“?page=X”吗?我只想让应用程序分页而不在 url 中显示当前页面。我怎样才能做到这一点? 感谢您的帮助。laravel laravel-8 laravel-livewire livewires 2个回答 0投票 我知道这篇文章已经有几年历史了,但是使用 ...
I created new Laravel + Livewire 3 and I got error Livewire page component layout view not found: [components.layouts.app] this my app.blade @include('layouts.shared.mobileMenu') @include('layouts
in case anyone else has another section and wanna pass html to it instead of array, you can put it in root file as below: publicfunctionrender(){returnview('livewire.authenticate') ->extends('any') ->section('body'); }
The documentation is not the best IMHO. Also, apparently I can't post links on my first day on this site, so localhost is the normal url pattern http... 0 Level 1 alexanderTheGreat Posted 8 months ago @markc Maybe is too late for you, but the problem is that the Laravel Bootcamp...
I have a Mac Book, with Laravel Herd recently added. The project is on Laravel 10 and also has Livewire. I hope this clears my problem, please ask me if you want more details that I have missed out. Try ->Once i got this error. in some forum, somebody said "set SESSION_DOMAIN=ex...
hi I have used laravel livewire for my projects but i get this error on chrome console MixedContent: The page at'https://mailx.to/'was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script'http://mailx.to/vendor/livewire-charts/app.js'. This request has been blocked; thecon...
ok sorry for that, i am trying to create a laravel-livewire crud in which Go to create component in this the wire:click is not rendering to the route or function "creating" 0 Laracasts Elite Hall of Fame tykus Posted 5 months ago...
I am new to Laravel/Livewire and have inherited a site to maintain. I'm still learning, but I have been able to stumble through a lot of fixes and changes (picking up a lot along the way) with the help of boards like this. The site has public and private pages (guest & user). ...
('app.name', 'Laravel') }} <!-- Fonts --> <!-- Styles --> @livewireStyles <!-- Scripts --> <x-jet-banner /> @livewire('navigation-menu') <!-- Page Heading --> @if (isset($header))
$found = false; foreach ($existingQuantities as &$existingQuantity) { if ($existingQuantity['productid'] == $productId) { // Update the quantity for the existing product $existingQuantity['quantity'] = $quantity; $found = true; break; } } // If the product is not found, push the...