发送至 Kindle 文档的新功能 针对PDF 格式 在上传 PDF 的时候,勾选保留原始布局: 就可以得到以下功能: 文本选择 智能查找 搜索 高亮显示 添加文本注释 点击超链接 针对Epub、HTML、TXT、Docx 以及 PDF 支持 页面翻动(Page Flip)功能,可以实现: 固定当前阅读页面的同时前往其它页面浏览 鸟瞰这本书 详细页面可以参考...
Turn static PDF's into smooth, interactive page-flip digital editions. Advertiser Links Create hot links to advertisers' websites and email addresses anywhere in your publication. Search Readers can quickly search through your e-edition to find what they are looking for. Social Sharing Enable viewe...
That's it! Now your audience can delight in top-notch online reading with pageflip animation! Create yours What makesthem real Theonline flipbooksmade via our PDF page flip converter look just like the books on your shelves. How? The detailsare the key. ...
Various page flip software, such as Flip PDF (MAC & Windows) to create online and offline flipbook, flip magazine, page flip books on Mac, PC, ipad, iphone and Android in minutes.
A digital page turning solution to convert your PDF file into impressive page turn e-book. Create and customize your digital page flip catalog!
We can build a Pageflip'r by combining multiple catalogs into one where your entry page can link to each catalog deeper in the publication. Or, have downloadable forms embedded within the Pageflip'r where your visitor can complete variable fields within the online PDF. Much, much, more... ...
Make eBook with amazing flash page flip effect from PDF, Image, Office, PPT etc. Help flipbook users to create great flash flip book easily and quickly.
Page Flip The easiest way to make a flipbook: Page-flipping effect across all devices Instant sharing & website embedding User-friendly editor and multiple interactive features Cheap prices starting from just$12.00/month Free - No bindings - No obligations...
AnyFlip is an interactive digital publishing platform that lets you convert PDFs into HTML5 page flip digital publications in just 1 minute. Share digital magazines, catalogs, brochures, flipbooks & more anytime and anywhere, or embed them on your websit
Q: When the page flipping book is uploaded online, it would be better to make it flip automatically in sometimes. The book will show as an advertisement or company brochure. What’s more, the auto flip mode could make reading more convenient....