将60天的access_token2 粘贴进token输入框,再更改GET请求为 APP-Scoped User ID /accounts (如当前的 "345451282937184/ accounts" ), 如下图提交submit得到一个永久的 access_token3 : 把得到的 access_token3 记录下来。 六、用永久的access token3 到 https:...
Facebook requires a Page Access Token if you want to use the data from your Facebook page, customize it and embed it on your website through SociableKIT. For example, in SociableKIT Facebook Page Events Solution, a page access token is required if you want your feed to update every ...
Facebook application access token. Value only returned through POST to the action Channel List API, otherwise empty.
用户的Facebook页面,每个返回一个page_id和一个page_access_token。 代码语言:javascript 复制 data: { 0: { access_token: "PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN" category: "Business Service" category_list: { 0: {id: "xxxxxx", name: "Business Service"} } id: "PAGE_ID" name: "PAGE_NAME" tasks: ["ANALYZE"...
accessToken - the accessToken value to set. Returns: the FacebookPage object itself.withId public FacebookPage withId(String id) Set the id property: Page id. Parameters: id - the id value to set. Returns: the FacebookPage object itself.Applies...
Facebook application access token. Value only returned through POST to the action Channel List API, otherwise empty. TypeScript 复制 accessToken?: string Property Value string id Page id TypeScript 复制 id: string Property Value string
When initiating Facebook.authenticate() the facebook dialog pops up blank but with a loading dialog on top. After a second or two I get thrown to Browser where a url fbconnect://success/#access_token=blabla has been loaded and the page says "You do not have permission to open this pag...
AccessMapping AccessTokenRequestType 帳戶 AccountCreateInfoInternal AccountMyWorkResult AccountPreferencesInternal AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModel2 AccountRecentActivityWorkItemModelBase AccountRecentCountWorkItemModel AccountsRestClient AccountStatus AccountType AccountUserStatus Account...
You must use Passport strategies that accept access_token posted in the body of the request, such as passport-facebook-token, passport-google-token, etc. Here is how to setup the Client Access Token strategy: var FacebookTokenStrategy = require('passport-facebook-token'); superlogin.register...
{"__typename":"FailureReason","message":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","key":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"shortTitle":"Windows 10","rep...