1.An adherent of a polytheistic religion in antiquity, especially when viewed in contrast to an adherent of a monotheistic religion. 2.A Neopagan. 3.Offensive a.One who has no religion. b.An adherent of a religion other than Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. ...
Harry Potter Is Here to Stay John Granger Why the final movie is only the beginning of the Harry Potter phenomenon. News Magic Words: Ghanaian Churches Confront Fake Pastors Shirley Quaicoo in Cape Coast, Ghana Ghana’s church planting boom has left denominations struggling to keep opportunists ...
So…dress as you like. I tend to jeans and button-up shirts, myself. I’ll go a bit more flowy and velvety in big group rituals. But I don’t find demonstrative dress or jewelry to be essential to my path. Observe as you like:define the Sabbaths of the Wheel of the Yea...
Are Christian holidays Pagan in origin? Is the Catholic Church Pagan? What is an eclectic Pagan? Is Taoism older than Christianity? Is Greek or Roman mythology older? Are Hindus Pagan? What is the First Nations' religion? Who is the goddess of the home in Roman religion?
Pagan neodruidry can be traced to The Druid Order, an organization founded in 1909(ish) by George MacGregor Reid, who also founded the Church of the Universal Bond around the same time. He wasn't pagan per se, but he was highly influenced by non-Christian faiths and esotericism, which ...
Those people who continued to worship the old gods and goddesses, rather than converting to the new religion, were referred to as “pagans” and were considered to be morally inferior and ultimately in need of “saving” by the Christian church. As the centuries wore on, those who continued...
planting flowers, and going to church where I heard and sang beautiful hymns I still remember to this day. Sometimes it was raining, or even snowing, but there would still be a nice dinner (usually baked ham) and a family gathering. This always felt like the point where spring was finall...
What Is the Definition of Atheist and Agnostic? Did Jesus Exist or Is It All a Myth? Is There Any Historical Proof for the Existence of Jesus? Atheists in the Pulpit: Clergy Who Are Non-Believers How Zoroastrianism Shaped the Judeo-Christian Concept of God...
Anna Walther Anna is an everyday animist and UU Pagan whose spiritual interests include healing, the creative process, sacred place, gardening and foraging, poetry, mythology, and Reclaiming Witchcraft. She facilitates the Pagan Alliance at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin. Anna’s work...
Europe for the winter. In the mid twentieth century, Slimbridge used to get something like six hundred swans come in for the winter. That must have been incredible to see. One older resident of Slimbridge described to me once how they would circle the church in great numbers as they ...