Only a male born in South Queensferry can become the Burryman. Considered a great honor, those selected often hold the position for many years. In the weeks leading up to the procession, the chosen man must hand-pick the thousands of burrs that will be used for his costume. The burrs ar...
Lupercalia was an ancient pagan festival held each year in Rome on February 15. Although Valentine’s Day shares its name with a martyred Christian saint, some historians believe the holiday is actually an offshoot of Lupercalia. Unlike Valentine’s Day, however, Lupercalia was a bloody, violent...
The word Christmas comes from Middle English Cristemasse, which in turn comes from Old English Cristes-messe, literally meaningChrist's Mass. Of course, we are not talking about the physical mass of Christ's body. The origin of mass, in the Christian sense of the word, is not entirely c...
Obviously, I'm not fond of Christmas carrols, or Christmas movies which teach the 'true meaning of Christmas.' And I have come to dislike excessive gift giving. Not because gift giving is bad (I like the idea), but because so much of it is based on buying worthless bits of plastic....
For alert Christians, the meaning was plain to see: A pagan army with its idolatrous standards (“the disgusting thing”) got as far as the temple wall (“a holy place”). Tipa agu aKristano naangera tipa gupai re, i aima rugatiyo na gupai i abihe nga: Agu abanzengere nangia ...
I want to talk a little to those people who have told me that they “hope I heal” from my experience with Mormonism. This isn’t just for the last person who said it to me. Over the years, I’ve heard this from friends and family, as well as well-meaning true-believing Mormons...
of Love Spells sabbat Book Review reviews public ritual tarot magick Priest polytheism Meditation wights ancient history Celtic crone Dionysus daily practice Standing stones Hope Goddesses meaning Lughnasadh fear literature carols herbal medicine cailleach god red magic darkness Pagan moon magic initiation ...
The wordpaganis from the Latinpagani,meaning dwellers in the country. Similarly, the wordheathensoriginally meant dwellers of the heath. When the new religion of Christianity began to spread across Europe, it was adopted in the cities and towns long before the country people accepted it. Most ...
of Witches Wicca folklore kitchen witch Old Norse Covid-19 The Witchs Book of Love Spells Mabon Wiccan teaching Earth Goddess Summer Solstice Mother Goddess Lammas christmas relationships crystals yuletide love magick Pagan history easter Hellenismos identity music poetry fear Womans Belly Book libation ...
of Love Spells archaeology pantheon thunder god dance sacred space Pagan history dreams self love invocation crystal healing crystals Litha power divine masculine household practice humor death and dying protection magic god of the witches tarot cards Gaia meaning Goddess animal wisdom loki Crete Triple ...