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There is a dearth of designated paediatric orthopaedic courses resulting in the acquisition of specific training and education for this specialism being problematic. This raised the question of how nurses practicing in this domain of nursing acquire and maintain their knowledge and skills. The RCN Chil...
This paper presents one element of the findings from a large study of paediatric intensive care nursing (PICN) education. The findings are discussed using a case study of one PICN course. The case study related to students' views on the assessment processes used, and the extent to which the...
This paper presents one element of the findings from a large study of paediatric intensive care nursing (PICN) education. The findings are discussed using a case study of one PICN course. The case study related to students' views on the assessment processes used, and the extent to which ...
NHS England has also adopted a set of six values: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment from the Compassion in Practice report, which sets out a ‘vision and strategy’ for nurses, midwives and care staff (Commissioning Board Chief Nursing Officer & Department of Hea...