Each of our instructors has been through PADI's rigorous training program and has reached the level of at least PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer although most are PADI Master Instructors. They each have different experiences and specializations and you can learn something different from each instructor...
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer Course We tell our students to shoot for the black belt in scuba diving – Master Scuba Diver. We should do the same and become Master Scuba Diver Trainers (MSDT). What You Learn When you finish the IE you are ready to teach. You will teach the core ...
The PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating sets you apart as a dive instructor who takes continuing education seriously and is committed to teaching a variety of courses. (Potential employers like this.) Being an MSDT signifies that you've got the experience and certifications to offer all the ...
Remember, obtaining a minimum of 5 Specialty Instructor ratings and certifying 25 students (at any level) allow you to apply for your Master Scuba Diver Trainer certification! We can offer 6-12 week MSDT + IDC Staff internships which will include teaching opportunities to achieve your 25 ...
PADI名仕潜水员训练官级别将您归类与那些认真对待继续教育和向往教授更多课程的教练类别。(像这样的潜在雇主。)成为名仕潜水员训练官标志着您已经获得经验和证书,可以为想成为名仕潜水员的潜水员提供所需要的培训-休闲潜水领域的最高等级。 所有认证了至少25名PADI潜水员和已经获得5个以上的PADI专长教练证书的PADI教练都...
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) is a PADI Instructor with a minimum of 5 PADI Specialty Instructor Ratings & certified 25 divers.
Located on Zicatela beach in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca Mexico. Our mission is to teach diving with love for the ocean and respect for the rules of safety so that our clients can enjoy themselves while learning about the beauty and natural resources of the
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer PADI Specialty Instructor PADI IDC Staff Instructor Health & Fitness You don’t have to be an athlete to become a PADI Pro, but it helps to have a good level of fitness. Before signing up for any PADI professional level course, you will be required to comp...
You will still need to have issued 25 PADI certifications before you will be able to apply for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating Certification requirement: Proof of 10 logged dives in each specialty rating. Certification PADI specialty instructor application fee AUD$139 (2025) each NOT include...
Overview and Introduction to PADI Professional Level Courses PADI Divemaster PADI Assistant Instructor PADI Openwater SCUBA Instructor PADI Specialty Instructor PADI Master SCUBA Diver Trainer PADI IDC Staff Instructor PADI Course Director VIEW VIDEO ...