About this Course 了解如何帶領水下之旅、協助水肺潛水課程並激勵他人關心海洋。 磨練你的技能,成為每個人都欽佩的潛水員。 PADI Divemaster是世界上最受歡迎和最受認可的專業水肺認證 PADI Divemasters潛水長享有豐富的就業機會,獲得有償的水肺潛水並分享他們對海洋的熱愛。 你將學到什麼以 check_circle進行潛水導覽...
潛水長, Divemaster, 這個課程可以給你更專業及實用的訓練。在薄荷島學潛水長 教您如何成為領袖,並且管理潛水活動。通過知識發展、水下技能練習、工作坊以及實操測試,您將掌握組織和指揮各類水肺潛水活動所需的技能。 水中技巧練習。
PADI’s Divemaster course is the first step into the world of professional scuba diving. With this qualification you are able to lead and guide divers in any part of the globe, so enjoy the fact that the world is now quite literally your oyster. After the course, you’ll be fully famil...
Try scuba diving. Learn to dive with PADI: Professional Association of Diving Instructors. PADI is the world's leading scuba diver training organization.
PADI潜水长课程 Dive Master 潜水职业生涯的第一步,就是成为一位PADI潜水长。PADI潜水长是潜水行业的专业人士,他有资格独立完成PADI的一些教学课程,在潜水长课程里,您会学习到如何成为一名让人尊敬的潜水专业人士,如何让自己所学的潜水技巧成为其他潜水员学习的榜样。成为PADI潜水长之后,您可以和PADI教练密切配合教学...
You have taken the first step in deciding you want to learn scuba diving and SUB AQUA DiveCenter is the right choice to make it happen! CONTINUING EDUCATION: take the next level! You are now a certified diver. You have already experienced being underwater and the thrill of discovering the...
Best PADI Divemaster Courses in Thailand BOOK NOW Divemaster Waterskills Development Waterskills exercises: Throughout your Divemaster program you will need to complete five waterskills exercises, earning a combined score of at least 15. These exercises consist of: Exercise 1: 400 Metre Swim Exer...
The most professional, knowledgeable, and saftest diving school in Thailand. The main priority of this scuba diving school is every Divers safety. My family and myself dived with Jomtien Dive Center over the course of 4 days, every dive was totally different, and from the moment they picked...
PADI®_潜水长可以在世界任何地方工作,包括地球上一些最美丽的地方。当我们许多人整天盯着屏幕时,潜水长却整天沉浸在大自然中,结识新朋友,享受无尽的探险。 如果您曾经梦想通过与他人分享您对水肺潜水的热爱而获得报酬,那么潜水长认证是您在潜水行业找到工作所需的最低认证。 PADI潜水长认证为您打开了世界各地的大门...
PADI Divemaster is the first step of the ladder and covers all the key basics for professional dive mastery. We offer the Divemaster Course over a 2-3 week programme, or a 4-12 weekinternship. Why not spread your training between a couple of our centres?