时,报错TypeError: 'MultiBoxHead' object is not callable 全过程如下: 按照paddle的安装说明INSTALL_cn一步步执行。 最开始是安装不上COCO-API。折腾了半天,通过以下方法终于安装成功。 坑1:问题:无法运行pip install git+https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi.git#subdirectory=PythonAPI 解决方法:运行conda in...
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
path + 'gen') paddle.save(dis.state_dict(), path + 'dis') paddle.save(dis_optimizer.state_dict(), path + 'dis') print('SaveModel :', time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), batch) if batch + 1 >= step_num: paddle.save(gen.state_dict(), path ...
train_model(True) # 训练模型时取消注释 2.5 模型评估 为了能够有一个比较好的评估效果,这里我们选用训练好的模型,模型存放在 /home/aistudio/output/TSN 目录下。具体评估代码如下。In [51] class CenterCropMetric(object): def __init__(self, data_size, batch_size, log_interval=20): """prepare for...
''' Example in static graph mode ''' import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.static as static import paddle.nn.functional as F BATCH_NUM = 10 BATCH_SIZE = 16 EPOCH_NUM = 4 CLASS_NUM = 10 ITERABLE = True # whether the created DataLoader object is iterable USE_GPU = False #...
Between the microbatches of the same minibatch the model weights are not updated. Setting this parameter indicates whether the current microbatch is the first in a minibatch or not. When set, this parameter enables additional optimizations: during FP8 training, it allows caching of the FP8 ...
unique() array(['n', 'd', 'p'], dtype=object) 标签统计 根据常识猜测,当前这个恶意网页数据集必然是不平衡数据集,因为恶意网页、钓鱼网页比较难采集。 事实上,统计结果确实如此: tempdf['flag'].value_counts() n 9700 d 169 p 84 Name: flag, dtype: int64...
to the model. See glue and ner for example of how it's useful. This is an object (like other data collators) rather than a pure function like default_data_collator. This can be helpful if you need to set a return_tensors value at initialization. Args: return_tensors (`bool`):...
可以看到客户端在读入模型配置之后,先后做了读取文件,调整大小的操作。 所有的序列操作作为预处理callable object preprocess 接下来调用客户端的预测函数 client.predict(feed, fetch)。这个函数的就是同刚才启动的Paddle Serving Server进行交互。 在feed字典中写入模型需要的输入,在fetch列表中填入需要的输出,具体的定义...