Thoughts turned to home as we steered back south once more. Then the weather changed. Stormbound for several days as snowstorms and gales passed, our route became a race to round the final committing corner. Broken only by a second portage, our days became brutal 40-50km pushes – we felt...
August 27, 2016-Canoes,Featured-Tagged:Canoe,canoeing with kids,Paddle & Portage Canoes,Paddle and Portage Canoes,solo canoe,Wenonah,Wenonah Advantage,Wenonah Canak,wenonah canoes,Wenonah J203,Wenonah Prism It’s been a while since I’ve done much paddling. It’s not that I don’t love...
Discuss canoes, tents, stoves, and all the other gear you need Moderators: Admin 45 265 Portages allowing Portage Wheels in BWCA (... by OhPaddler 1/18/2025 10:54:45 PM(UTC) Fishing General fishing discussion - techniques and equipment (for area-specific questions, use those forums...
Why are people switching from kayaks and other traditional canoe designs to pack canoes? The main reasons are convenience, comfortability, and weight: Lighter than comparable kayaks Better seats than solo canoes More capacity than kayaks Easier to transport (and portage) and l...
My strategy at the start is to be as far left as possible and enter the Missouri at the very tip of the point. I want to always be the boat furthest left possible, not sure why, I think it’s about getting into the current as fast as possible. A couple unfortunate canoes managed ...