绘本《Paddington in the Garden帕丁顿在花园》,Harper Collins 绘本内容 Michael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire in 1926 and was educated at Presentation College, Reading. He served in the Royal Air Force and the British Army before working as a BBC cameraman for 19 years. Michael has twice...
网络释义 1. 帕丁顿熊在花园 Paddington and the Grand Tour... ... Paddington 帕丁顿熊Paddington in the Garden帕丁顿熊在花园... www.bookdao.com|基于6个网页
For Paddington, one of the nicest things about being a bear and living with the Brown family is being able to share their lovely garden.But gardens don''t just happen, and the one at number thirty-two Windsor Gardens keeps the whole family busy so Paddington is only too pleased to lend...
Paddington in the Garden 作者:Bond, Michael 出版年:2008-6 1人想读目前无人评价 加入购书单 京东商城(10.20元) 当当网(10.80元) 中图网(12.00元) 帕丁顿的石头花园/小熊帕丁顿图画书系列 作者:[英国] 迈克尔·邦德 出版社:接力出版社 5人想读 / 8人读过评价人数不足 ...
7. Paddington in the garden section 2 312018-10 5 6. Paddington in the garden section 1 282018-10 6 5. Paddington whole story 392018-10 7 4 Paddington section 4 292018-10 8 3 Paddington section 3 392018-10 9 2 paddington section 2 552018-10 10 1 Paddington section 1 3202018-10 查看...
Paddington in the Garden(机器翻译:帕丁顿熊在花园里)作者:Michael Bond 出版社:Collins ISBN(13位):9780007123155 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 140.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 28.00 ¥ 24.64 0 有货通知
259 Paddington2 by:霞子妈妈 1883 A Bear CalledPaddington(PaddingtonBear) by:ShawnMom 3919 Paddington(摩卡) by:MoccaXu 2040 Paddington帕丁顿熊 by:少儿英语大师 3343 Paddington:帕丁顿熊 by:少儿冒险故事系列 963 Paddingtonmovie 1~3 by:霞子妈妈 ...
Paddington in the Garden (机器翻译:在花园里帕丁顿) 作者:Michael Bond 出版社:HarperCollins ISBN(13位):9780007867318 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 71.8 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 21.90¥ 19.270有货通知 内容简介...
While Paddington is in the garden making a list of all of the nice things about being a bear and living with the Browns, he realizes that one of the nicest things of all is the garden. Jonathan, Judy, and Paddington each have a piece of the garden to take care of, and Paddington di...
Michael Bond was born in Newbury, Berkshire on 13 January 1926 and educated at Presentation College, Reading. He served in the Royal Air Force and the British Army before working as a cameraman for BBC TV for 19 years. In 2015, Michael was awarded a CBE for his services to children’s ...