=N:returnstring+chr(N-l)*(N-l)defpadding_oracle(N):get=""foriinxrange(1,N+1):forjinxrange(0,256):padding=xor(get,chr(i)*(i-1))c=chr(0)*(16-i)+chr(j)+padding result=inject_token(base64.b64encode(c))printresult.contentif"Error!"notinresult.content:get=chr(j^i)+getbreak...
=N:returnstring+chr(N-l)*(N-l)defpadding_oracle(N):get=""foriinxrange(1,N+1):forjinxrange(0,256):padding=xor(get,chr(i)*(i-1))c=chr(0)*(16-i)+chr(j)+padding result=inject_token(base64.b64encode(c))print result.contentif"Error!"notinresult.content:get=chr(j^i)+getbre...
1|43 Padding Oracle Attack过程 当服务器处理CBC解密时,对于失败和成功返回不同的结果,就能进行Padding Oracle Attack。类似于布尔型SQL注入,针对每个分组的每个字节,输入正确的padding值(相当于明文),修改这个分组的iv,测试并找到返回成功的结果,与padding值XOR就能获得中间状态值(即图中的I2)。 padding oracle...
0x01:Padding oracleCBC加密模式为分组加密,初始时有初始向量,密钥,以及明文,明文与初始向量异或以后得到中间明文,然后其再和密钥进行加密将得到密文,得到的密文将作为下一个分组的初始向量,与下一个分组的明文进行异或得到的二组的中间明文,依次类推。解密时根据也是分组解密,首先使用密钥解密密文,得到中间明文,然后将...
早在Shiro 1.2.4版本前,就被暴露了Cryptography模块因为默认AES加密key导致Remember Me模块的反序列化漏洞,在其被修复(每次启动都生成一个新的AES加密key)的几年后,依然是这个地方,出现了令我万万没想到的Padding Oracle漏洞,我一直以为这样的漏洞也就CTF会出现,这个洞也警醒了我,CTF每一个知识点,在真实漏洞挖掘中...
一,删除和更新之间引起的死锁 造成死锁的原因就是多个线程或进程对同一个资源的争抢或相互依赖。这里列举一个对同一个资源的争抢造成死锁的实例。 Oracle 10g, PL/SQL version 9.2 CREATE TABLE testLock( ID NUMBER, test VARCHAR(100) ) C...
I am trying to create a secure download web app with the following scenario. Anybody know how this can be achieved: 1) The user is given a one-time URL a) This one-time URL is stored in an Oracle DB m... AutoStart Kodi app on Android ...
ctx.sqlIndentEnd(')'); break; // [#798] Oracle and some other dialects can only hold 1000 values // in an IN (...) clause else if (REQUIRES_IN_LIMIT.contains(ctx.dialect()) && values.size() > limit) { ctx.sqlIndentStart('('); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i ...
Best way to modify data in SqlDataReader? Best way to release memory in multithreading application (Getting OutOfMemory Exception) Best way to stop a thread. Best way to stop a windows service with an error condition in a spawned thread? Best way to UPDATE multiple rows in oracle databas...
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. ...