1cupsliced red bell pepper (1/4-inch-wide strips) 2medium jalapeños, stemmed, seeded, and cut lengthwise into 1/8-inch-wide strips (about 1/3 cup) 1poundfresh wide rice noodles (about 1/3 inch wide), noodles uncoiled and separated 2tablespoonsgranulated sugar 2tablespoonsoyster sauce 2...
Kee Mao is a popular noodle dish served throughout Thailand and the direct translation is "drunkards noodles". Also see our new Kee Mao chicken recipe They are typically made with a good deal of spicy heat, and we like this dish served with a cold beer.
While my recipe does list chicken thigh in the ingredients, please feel free to use any protein you wish for your drunken noodles. You can even leave it out if you’d prefer. For example, beef, pork, shrimp, and tofu will all work perfectly. Unlike most of my Chinese stir fries, wher...
Pad Kee Mao ( "Drunken Noodles") is a Thai restaurant favourite from the streets of Thailand! This is an authentic recipe - on the table in 20 minutes!
【泰式辣炒粉Thai Drunken Noodles (Pad Kee Mao)】1.备好所有材料湿河粉或湿宽米粉:500g(直接用)干河粉或干泰式米粉:220g (按包装说明,事先泡好);2.切好大蒜,小红辣椒,洋葱,葱,鸡胸肉 - 混合好酱汁(所有A材料);3.大火热锅,下冷油(2Tbsp), 下红椒丁和蒜末
这家餐厅的Pad Kee Mao真的让我吃了一个月都没腻。它的口感有点像炒河粉,里面还加了炸过的腰果,简直是绝配。除了这道菜,他们家的牛肉汤米粉、泰奶和榴莲蛋糕也非常棒,料足得让人满足。不过,饮料和甜点只有周末才供应,所以想吃的朋友们要抓紧时间哦。
Drunken Noodles, or Pad Kee Mao, is a Thai rice noodle dish that got its name as a popular late-night snack after drinking! Try our authentic recipe!
泰式辣炒粉Thai Drunken Noodles (Pad Kee Mao)的做法步骤 步骤1 备好所有材料 湿河粉或湿宽米粉:500g(直接用) 干河粉或干泰式米粉:220g (按包装说明,事先泡好) 步骤2 - 切好大蒜,小红辣椒,洋葱,葱,鸡胸肉 - 混合好酱汁(所有A材料) 步骤3
#泰国美食[超话]# Pad kee mao 不论是路边摊还是餐厅都非常受欢迎,能令人如此心心念念的泰式罗勒炒粉,不如跟我们一起在家做一碗吧!#蓝象教煮##微博厨房大赛##厨神养成记# http://t.cn/A66B2RzH
【马来西亚直邮】泰国 CLASSIC THAI Pad Kee Mao意大利面酱 200g,品牌:CLASSIC THAI,调味酱 调味料 烧烤酱-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。