We have a strong track record of developing advanced technologies, process innovations and business models for a wide range of Fortune 500 clients spanning many industries including the Financial Services, Technology, Telecommunications, Travel and Transportation, Energy, Life Sciences, Manufacturing and ...
Pactera Technologies NA Inc.由在注册登记,注册时间是-,注册地址是,注册资本是,目前处于状态。 Pactera Technologies NA Inc.税号: 纳税识别号: 统一社会信用代码: 组织机构代码: Pactera Technologies NA Inc.信息解读: 自2015年10月1日开始,强制性国家标准 GB32100-2015《法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码编码规则》...
项目名称 Pactera Technology Limited 100%股权项目编号 G32024SH1000332 转让方名称 VanceInfo Technologies Inc.转让底价 0.0001万元 披露起始日期 2025-01-26披露结束日期 2025-02-27 委托会员 机构名称: - | 联系人: - / 联系电话: - 交易机构 项目负责人: - / 联系电话: - 1、转让标的基本情况 标的企业...
In terms of technology, HiFM uses advanced technologies such as mobile Internet, RFID IoT, cloud computing, and big data to enable operators to receive work orders and record operation data at any time. The RFID technology can identify assets and spatial locations, so that personnel can complete...
PACTERA TECHNOLOGIES INC. 企业状态 Active 成立日期 2006-01-10 企业类型 Stock Corporation - Out of State - Stock 注册地 CALIFORNIA(加利福尼亚州) 管辖区域 DELAWARE 代理人/机构名称 C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 办公地址 14980 NE 31ST WAY, SUITE 120REDMOND, WA 98052 数据来源:美国加利福尼亚州工商注册处...
Xia Li (PACTERA TECHNOLOGIES INC) Microsoft Vendor Report a concern Badges 4 Trophy 1 Reputation points 0 Accepted answers 0 Followers 0 Level 3 82% 7,350/7,999 XP Learning Paths Trophy Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals: Explore core data concepts Completed on 8/27/2022 ...
Fei Wang (Pactera Technologies)DotNetAppCompatFeiWang Follow Block or Report Popular repositoriesLoading coreclrcoreclrPublic Forked fromdotnet/coreclr This repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called System.Private.Corelib (or mscorlib). It includes the garbage...
U.S. Toll Free Dial-in Number: + 1.866.214.5335 International Dial-in Number: + 61.2.8235.5000 Passcode: 44087166 About Pactera Pactera Technology International Ltd. (NASDAQ: PACT), formed by a merger of equals between HiSoft Technology International Limited and VanceInfo Technologies Inc., is a...
NA增持999.6万股 格隆汇APP获悉,根据联交所最新权益披露资料显示,2020年8月17日,彩虹新能源(00438.HK)获Pactera Technologies NA, Inc在场内以每股均价1.067港元增持999.6万股,涉资约1066.57万港元。增持后,Pactera Technologies NA, Inc最新持股数目为51,958,000股,持股比例由6.65%上升至8.23%。
We have a strong track record of developing advanced technologies, process innovations and business models for a wide range of Fortune 500 clients spanning many industries including the Financial Services, Technology, Telecommunications, Travel and Transportation, Energy, Life Sciences, Manufacturing and ...