For swelling and shrinking analyses we used 2 mm thick transversal slices of adult mouse gut. To measure the change in size, we quantified the area of the section surface. As Fig. 1B strikingly shows, there was a distinct increase of tissue size during the incubation in clearing ...
The irony was that USSR was proposed to join the alliance at its creation, but Stalin flatly refused, and so for satellite countries now under his sphere of influence. So why waiting until 1955 ? Indeed Stalin never really wanted an “alliance” considering eastern countries now “piloted” ...
Future trends including use of query optimizing techniques to improve the results of the query as well as reduce the cost for the computation. To achieve this we use the indexing mechanism to the cache system to preserve the query search results.Kirtimalini N. KakadeȦ...
The surface area coverage of these active regions may approach up to 30%. A hypothesis is that the interaction of these structures themselves induces a flaring activity on a small scale not visible in the EPIC light curves that is responsible for heating HD 223460 plasma to coronal temperatures...
communicating with one another and/or other elements via busses and/or communication lines operated at a second clock rate is disclosed, wherein the first clock rate is higher than the second and wherein the coarse grained logic elements comprise storage means for storing data needed to be ...
(1989).Buildingonitspredecessor,the WernerReport(1970) 1 ,theDelorsReportcalledforinstitutionalprovisionssafeguarding fiscaldisciplineinthemonetaryunion,arguingthatalackoffiscaldisciplinemightundermine thestabilityofthenewcurrency.Furthermore,theDelorsReportarguedthatthefiscal policiesofthememberstatesneededtobe...
OBJECTIVES To quantify changes in ankle and toe pressure from pre- to post-endovascular revascularization for critical limb ischemia (CLI) and examine their association with major adverse limb events (MALE). BACKGROUND Despite societal guidelines recommendation of routine hemodynamic surveillance following ...
It makes proposals to strengthen fiscal policy governance that go well beyond the legislation set to be adopted in autumn 2011. The authors consider these additional governance measures to be essential for effective policy coordination and sound public finances in the future. JEL Classification: E52,...
The reemergence of Mexico, a faithful NAFTA member, is also a very good reason to deepen continental economic integration.There is urgent need for a balanced strategic approach to make the best of CETA while prioritizing efforts to advance high-value supply chains across North America.Igor M. ...
Militarized liberalization serves as an alternative model for Middle East regimes, one that can furnish the foundation for semi-authoritarianism into the near future. This changing social base of the regime, illuminated through an examination of social welfare, must be recognized when tackling the ...