Bittleman, D.Journal of Military & Veterans' Health
PACT Act presumptives When President Joe Biden signed the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (better known as the PACT Act) into law on Aug. 10, he directed VA officials to treat all of the presumptive conditions included in the measure “as applicable the momen...
Calif., Aug. 31, 2022. A new California law that takes effect April 2024 requires a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers. Negotiations over that law concluded last fall and reflect the reality of public policy making in the United States. (AP Photo/Rich...
Could we improve the troubleshooting experience by cleaning up the logging some what so it either wasn't so exhaustive on at the point of failure, a user is armed with plenty of info of which to act upon (it currently requires a bit of searching through logs to really piece together what...
ago to address reports of rampant insider trading amongst lawmakers. The ETHICS Act would not only ban lawmakers, their spouses and dependent children from trading single stocks, it would also create a searchable, electronic database of their stockholdings and impose large penalties for any ...
Macron acknowledged sharp differences on the Paris climate pact but said the two leaders could find other areas of cooperation. "Should that have an impact on the discussions we're having on all other topics? No, absolutely not," he said. ...