Currently there is no way to unset the default sink or source once it was configured manually by the user. This patch introduces the special name @NONE@, which can be used with the pacmd or pactl set-default-sink and set-default-source commands to unset the user configured default. When ...
pactl命令可以修改伺服器的设置以及配置,但pactl命令仅限于局限的范围 若要完整的功能,就必須要回归到最基本的指令pacmd,通过pacmd指令 才可以完全的控制PulseAudio的服务核心。 fedora24提供下列指令 pulseaudio - The PulseAudio Sound System pactl - Control a running PulseAudio sound server pacmd - Reconfigure a...
As a brief (but hopefully helpful) answer, I can confirm that pacmd indeed ignores PULSE_SERVER. pactl, on the other hand, respects PULSE_SEVER. Are you able to use pactl instead? --Sean