这个视频介绍了我对 fzf 的 4 种用法:1. 应用启动器 (run luncher)2. 文件预览 (file & image preview)3. 包管理器交互界面 (TUI for pacman)4. 版本控制交互界面 (TUI for git)你可以了解到如何配置 fzfrc,自定义预览窗口的快捷键,预览不同类型的文件,让 fzf 像文件浏
后来直接 pacman -Ql pacman 发现自动补全是放在/usr/share/bash-completion下的,所以除了要source /etc/bash_completion还得将 另一个也导入 ,解决办法编辑 ~/.bash_profile 中添加 [code] if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ] ; then source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ...
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git basename: missing operand Try 'basename --help' for more information. fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git bash: line 104: pacman: command not found ### # # # # # W A R N I...
在Git Bash 中使用 pacman 安装软件包失败,提示很多文件已经存在。这种情况可以根据提示的存在的文件找到对应的软件包名,使用以下命令更新这个软件包的“已安装”状态: 1 pacman -S --dbonly xxx(对应包名) 所有相关的软件包都更新完成后,就可以正常安装需要的指定软件包了。 注:可以使用 pacman -h -S 或 -...
This is my version of a pacman-git PKGBUILD. It is different from the falconindy's one in AUR found at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=29937 To build the package, these files should be present in the build directory: PKGBUILD pacman.conf pacman.conf.x86_64 makepkg.conf pa...
PawelLipski force-pushed the fix/dry-run-aur-fix-pacman branch from 7a77c8e to 4e184de Compare September 19, 2024 09:05 Fix pacman invocation in Arch Linux package dry-run build 936c455 PawelLipski force-pushed the fix/dry-run-aur-fix-pacman branch from 4e184de to 936c455 Compare...
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PACMAN is a pipeline to reduce and analyze data collected by Hubble Wide Field Camera 3 (HST/WFC3) using either the G102 or G141 grism. - Added .DS_Store to .gitignore so that these Mac system files won't be… · gapp-c/PACMAN@97af993
git clone --recursivegit@github.com:hackcrypto/fluxion.git Switch to tool's directory cd fluxion Run fluxion (missing dependencies will be auto-installed) ./fluxion.sh Fluxion is also available in arch cd bin/arch makepkg or using the blackarch repo pacman -S fluxion scroll Changelog Fluxion ...