“pacman unable to lock database”错误通常出现在使用Arch Linux或其衍生版本时,尝试通过pacman(Arch Linux的包管理器)进行软件包操作时。这个错误表明pacman无法获取对软件包数据库的独占访问权,因为该数据库已经被另一个进程锁定。 可能导致这个错误的常见原因 另一个pacman进程正在运行:如果另一个pacman实例正在...
$ pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database) error: could not lock database: Permission denied VIRAT@DESKTOP-97BS0AB MSYS ~ $ pacman -Su error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database) error: could...
在使用manjaro的pacman命令做系统或软件升级时,遇到了如下的报错,从而导致不能正常更新升级: error:failed to update core(unable tolockdatabase)error:failed to update extra(unable tolockdatabase)error:failed to update community(unable tolockdatabase)error:failed to update multilib(unable tolockdatabase)e...
看看/var/cache/pacman/pkg中是否有*.part结尾的文件,它们是没有完全下载的文件,删除它们并重新执行更新。这些程序一般是自定义的XferCommand 下载命令造成的。 # find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -iname "*.part" -exec rm {} \; "error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)" 错误 pac...
pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq package_regex)有时候在不同的软件仓库中,⼀个软件包有多个版本(⽐如[extra]和[testing]):(就是指定包的精确位置) pacman -S extra/package_name 安装多个含有相似名称的软件包,⽽并⾮整个包组或全部匹配的软件包: pacman -S plasma-{desktop,mediacenter,...
I did this to not tie users to this database and to allow them to use AM and all its features if I, Ivan, am unable to intervene for any reason.There are many discontinuous projects. Should this become one too, it will not be obsolete....
error: failed to synchronize all databases +++ exited with 1 +++ 可以看到,在输出:: Synchronizing package databases...后,pacman 会去检查"/var/lib/pacman/db.lck"是否存在,然后跟着提示error: failed to update archlinuxcn (unable to lock database) ...
Failed to init transaction (unable to lock database) When pacman is about to alter the package database, for example installing a package, it creates a lock file at /var/lib/pacman/db.lck. This prevents another instance of pacman from trying to alter the package database at the same ...
pacman/Restore local database pacman/Rosetta pacman/Tips and tricks FAQ#Package management System maintenance Arch Build System Official repositories Arch User Repository Thepacmanpackage manageris one of the major distinguishing features of Arch Linux. It combines a simple binary package format with ...