including all dependencies required to run the packages. For example, pacman -S qt will download and install qt and all the packages it depends on. If a package name exists in more than one repository, the repository can be explicitly specified to clarify the package to install: pacman -S...
--pkglistlist installed packages (EXPERIMENTAL)列出已安装的软件包(EXPERIMENTAL) filters: --action=<action>show <action> entries显示<action>条目 install, reinstall, upgrade, downgrade, remove, all. --after=<date>show entries after <date>在<date>之后显示条目 ...
. . If I can find a solultion without reinstall it’s better! Thx for help. manuel March 19, 2023, 8:44am 2 Try running another kernel (linux or linux-lts) and update. If that doesn’t work, boot the liveISO installer and arch-chroot to your system. More instructions by ...
2 Verify all packages 验证所有包 pacman -Qk[k] rpm -Va debsums rpm -Va equery check 3 Reinstall given Package - Will reinstall the given package without dependency hassle. 重新安装给定的包 - 将重新安装给定的包没有依赖性麻烦。 pacman -S dnf reinstall apt install --reinstall zypper install...
The advantage of having them is that they allow you to easily downgrade or reinstall a package after removal directly from the cache folder instead of downloading it. After a certain time, it might grow in size, requiring removal. This can be done using thepaccache(8)script, provided within...
$ yay -Sua yay: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory # Symlink libalpm 14 to 13 so yay can use that $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ # Reinstall yay/yay-git, make sure you...
> pacaptr -S neofetch Pending `brew reinstall neofetch` Proceed with the previous command? · Yes Running `brew reinstall neofetch` ==> Downloading ### 100.0% ==> Reinstalling neofetch ==> Pouring neofetch-7.1.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz...
$ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/{name=$3} /^Installed Size/{print $4$5, name}' | sort -h Packages and dependencies To list package sizes with their dependencies, Installexpacand runexpac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -h. ...
will prompt you to select the packages from thegnomegroup that you wish to install. Sometimes a package group will contain a large amount of packages, and there may be only a few that you do or do not want to install. Instead of having to enter all the numbers except the ones you do...
Packages (2) vim-runtime-8.2.2891-1 vim-8.2.2891-1 Total Download Size: 8.24 MiB Total Installed Size: 34.19 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y Reinstall a Package If you already have a package installed, you can reinstall it with the samepacman -Scommand. Again, you should...