Sometimes, some packages might already be installed. In that case, this command shall reinstall them. You can, however, skip these packages with the following: sudopacman -S <package-name> --needed You can also build packages from the source usingpacmanwith the help of the following syntax ...
Check that all files owned by the given package(s) are present on the system. If packages are not specified or filter flags are not provided, check all installed packages. Specifying this option twice will perform more detailed file checking (including permissions, file sizes, and modification t...
-e, --explicitlist packages explicitly installed [filter]列出明确安装的软件包[过滤器] -m, --foreignlist installed packages not found in sync db(s) [filter]列出已安装的非官方库软件包 -n, --nativelist installed packages only found in sync db(s) [filter]列出已安装的官方库软件包 ...
2 Verify all packages 验证所有包 pacman -Qk[k] rpm -Va debsums rpm -Va equery check 3 Reinstall given Package - Will reinstall the given package without dependency hassle. 重新安装给定的包 - 将重新安装给定的包没有依赖性麻烦。 pacman -S dnf reinstall apt install --reinstall zypper install...
sudo pacman -S pacman warning: pacman-6.0.2-8 is up to date -- reinstalling resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (1) pacman-6.0.2-8 Total Download Size: 0.90 MiB Total Installed Size: 4.72 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB ...
And reinstalling pacman from teh livesession could be the trick to get pacman working again what would make you able to go reionstall system packages or all packages… to remove corruptions. Mount your installed systems root under /mnt like you woiuld do for the arch-chrooting… sudo pac...
Individual packages The following command will list all installed packages and their individual sizes: $ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/{name=$3} /^Installed Size/{print $4$5, name}' | sort -h Packages and dependencies To list package sizes with their dependencies, ...
> pacaptr -S neofetch Pending `brew reinstall neofetch` Proceed with the previous command? · Yes Running `brew reinstall neofetch` ==> Downloading ### 100.0% ==> Reinstalling neofetch ==> Pouring neofetch-7.1.0.big_sur.bottle.tar.gz...
$ pacman -Qi package | grep -e "Installed Size" Issue the following command to list all the package names with their “Installed Size“. $ pacman -Qi | grep -e "Name" -e "Installed Size" Install Packages with Pacman To install single or multiple packages, including dependencies, execut...
Some packages belong to agroup of packagesthat can all be installed simultaneously. For example, issuing the command: # pacman -S gnome will prompt you to select the packages from thegnomegroup that you wish to install. Sometimes a package group will contain a large amount of packages, and...