虚拟机上的arch也是,但是manjaro的pacman一切正常是不是这段时间arch的pacman都挂了? mathtimes 1010 11 我没有遇到这样的情况,另外,你安装dpkg干什么,这并不是arch的包管理器 贴吧用户_aAbS47C 1 2 steamdeck的根目录分区貌似是被设置不能读写的,日常软件可以考虑用flathub装在别的分区 乌拉 0 1 已解...
用pacman安装向..在steamOS中安装向日葵一直碰到这个"libappindicator 3-1"找不到的问题,试过从CSDN下载3.1的包单独安装也提示不成功,有没有办法直接输入一条指令让系统把
Description A flatpak request was already mentioned in #357 which I am also heavily on board with for easy Steam Deck availability, but it would be nice if in the meantime while we wait for that, we can get Kando in official package mana...
Bodyguards roam the property and a beautiful, rock hard BLACK WOMAN suns on the deck. Still in the same shot, pulling back, CARLITO puts down the cigar, stands up and dives into the pool. The camera drops down below the water level, and CARLITO swims right up to it for a CLOSE-UP....
回帖 更多 steamdeck吧 设置精华贴 取消 完成贴吧App 随时随地开启逗比模式 立即打开 steamdeck怎么更新到pacman6.1?有没有大佬? 似乎习惯吗 8 今天12:50 只看楼主 1爱我中华钓鱼 5 今天12:52 操作 不知道,更新版本的最终目的是啥呢 年轻人的潮流文化社区...
求一份pacman...我研究一下。也不知道干了什么,最近更新或下载discover商店内容时到百分之七十多就会报错终止:从远程仓库flathub提取runtime/platform/x86_64/45时;server re