List all packages explicitly installed. This option can be combined with-tto list top-level packages- those packages that were explicitly installed but are not required by any other package. (-Qetis equivalent to the pacman 2.9.X-Qeoption.) -g, --groups Display all packages that are members...
6. List orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package): # pacman --query --unrequired --deps --quiet 7. List installed packages not found in the repositories: # pacman --query --foreign 8. List outdated packages: # pacman --query --upgrades pacman-mirrors...
List repo packages pacman -Sl lizardbyte Install repo packages sudo pacman -S lizardbyte/<package-name> e.g. sudo pacman -S lizardbyte/sunshine Considerations To account for changes to any dependencies, packages in this repo are rebuilt once per day. Packages may have optional run time depe...
$ LC_ALL=C pacman -Qi | awk '/^Name/{name=$3} /^Installed Size/{print $4$5, name}' | sort -h Packages and dependencies To list package sizes with their dependencies, Installexpacand runexpac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -h. ...
Instead of a list of all available packages, a much shorter already filtered list is displayed. Simply select the "cantata" package you want to install and press ENTER in order to install it. If an argument contains special characters, it has to be passed on as string. This can be achiev...
available.packages & list.files + .libPaths 检查包是否存在于本地或者是CRAN p_functions loadNamespace + getNamespaceExports 包函数 p_help help HTML/PDF Manuals查看 p_information packageDescription 包信息 p_interactive NONE 交互式搜索包 p_news news 包NEWS p_version packageVersion & R.Version 包版...
2. Listing All Installed Packages With Pacman You can list all the packages installed on your system along with their versions by typing : pacman -Q You can also view additional information about a package by using the following: pacman -Qi <package-name> ...
Display all packages that are members of a named group. If a name is not specified, list all grouped packages. -i, --info Display information on a given package. The-poption can be used if querying a package file instead of the local database. Passing two--infoor-iflags will also di...
This option takes a list of tokens which must be at least one of the following: Sync Enables refreshes for this repository. Search Enables searching for this repository. Install Enables installation of packages from this repository during a --sync operation. Upgrade Allows this repository to be ...
3 List all packages which are required for the given package, aka show dependencies. 列出给定包所需的所有包,即show dependencies。 pacman -[S|Q]i dnf repoquery --requires or repoquery -R apt-cache depends / apt-cache show zypper info --requires emerge -ep ...