You can buy the stores' reusable bags at checkout, but a Baggu folds to nothing and is pretty indestructible. If you're looking forward to shopping in Thailand, a larger fold-out duffel bag gives you mega buying power. Safeguard your water supply Ever been on a flight where ...
In Stores For larger purchase items where fit is really important, I personally like to shop in stores if possible. If you have outdoors or sporting good stores near you, those are often good places to start. Although any of your favorite retail clothing stores should have all the winter ba...
You can get packing tape at cheap rates from Craigslist, Home Depot, Walmart, or Amazon. You can also ask your moving company or any furniture, electronics, or department stores near you. How can I get free USPS supplies? To get free USPS supplies, you will have to create your account...
Don’t forget your SPF when traveling around Africa as you’re close to the Equator. We recommend ordering some online before leaving the house as you will need it underneath the African sun and it can be very hard to find in grocery stores in Africa (and when you do find it the prici...
Laundry Soap– Some trucks might supply some, but just make sure they do before you really need it. Best Places To Buy Things Along The Way In Africa: Nairobi, Kenya– The Karen Shopping mall is very close to campgrounds many overland companies use. This is perfect for those starting in ...