As more businesses are moving towards sustainable options, biodegradable packing peanuts are becoming increasingly popular. They are made from organic materials such as cornstarch, wheat, or sorghum. When exposed to water, they dissolve, leaving no harmful residue. They offer similar protection to Sty...
Yes, you can use packing peanuts to fill in the bottom of your plants but only if you use the ones that don’t dissolve in water. Otherwise, it’s best to use natural materials like wood chips, leaves, and sticks which is the best sustainable alternative for you. ...
You can also purchase packing peanuts at office supply stores. Hours of endless fun building and creating. After they finished building they had this great idea to see how fast it would take to dissolve in water. I was excited that they wanted to dissolve it because I was getting worried ...
Students learned that polystyrene takes thousands of years to decompose while packing peanuts made from cornstarch can do the same but dissolve in water.StarrSuzanneEBSCO_AspSchool Arts