chiral moleculesmetal tris-acetylacetonateslow temperature thermochromism and phase transformationsThe Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is searched to organize packings of metal tris -acetylacetonates M(aa) 3 (about 70 structures over the last 50 years). In all structures, planes with a ...
NavigationViewList NavigationViewOverflowLabelMode NavigationViewPaneClosingEventArgs NavigationViewPaneDisplayMode NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs NavigationViewSelectionFollowsFocus NavigationViewShoulderNavigationEnabled NavigationViewTemplateSettings NotifyEventArgs NotifyEventHandler Orientation Page Panel PanelScrolling...
This problem is a generalization of the bin packing problem with respect to an additional time dimension, and it requires to find the minimum number of bins (servers) to accommodate a given list of items (jobs) at any instance of time. Moreover, recent publications suggest to also ...
Venatlimdeatthioodns taerestdsewsigenreedctoonodbtuacinteadsptoecvifieerdifpyariatsmfeetaersiabnidliatrye aunndabalescertain the correltaotiaoccnubraettewlyeeevnaltuhaetePthRe aennsdiliMngCquoaflistyil.aIgneth. is study, a novel compound sensor was designed to measure the PR and MC of silage...
Mõlemad teenused pakuvad jälgimist ja hinnangulisi tarneaegu, kuid ei pruugi sobida, kui on vaja rahvusvahelist saatmist. Lisaks on iga teenusega kaasas erinevad kulustruktuurid sõltuvalt pakkide arvust, kaalust, läbitud vahemaast jne. UPS Ground v...
By applying the propositions of Section 9 we were able to reproduce Horva´th's result and moreover to attain a list of locally optimal solutions. Again this list is conjecturally complete and gives approximations of the local optima. Compared with the covering problem, there are many more ...
[t1ra7s–t19t,o36d] aotfa thgeenheerrartiendgbforonme poauckrinpgrepvaiottuesrnthoefotrheeticnaolnm-suobdsetlistu[t2e4d] Pa3nAdTthcheaicnrsy,sttahle smtruetchtuyrle- sa[1n7d–1e9t,h3y6l]-osuf tbhsetihtuetreridngobloignoetphaiocpkihnegnpeatmteorlneocuf tlehse nwoenr-esuabrsr...