The changes in optical spectra lineshapes were fit with the weakly coupled H-aggregate model to reveal decreases in the relative amounts of aggregated/unaggregated P3HT chains as weight fraction of PCBM increased.Electron paramagnet and nuclear magnetic resonance were combined with pre-resonance Raman...
where T and τtriplet are respectively the fraction of the triplet state and the triplet lifetime. The concentration of the Pdots was determined from the amplitude of the autocorrelation curve (1/(Veff·C)) at τ=0 by fitting the data with equation (1). C was determined for Pdot solutions...
condensate phase, giving almost no signal in the protein-poor phase. The histograms of the dipolar relaxation fraction and the corresponding center of mass are displayed in Fig.2d, e, respectively. The data for both of the homogeneous regimes (R1 and R3) are located at high dipolar relaxation...
which creates tiny cracks in deep underground rocks to improve power production. This fluid could also substantially reduce the water footprint and cost of enhanced geothermal systems. A paper describing the fluid has been published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in...
In general, the area fraction of the dark condensed phase decreased as PG-1 inserted into the monolayer. This indicates the disordering of lipid packing in the monolayer. Most of the disordering effects took place in the first 10 min, starting at the liquid-condensed phase boundaries. For ...
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) is a unique technique that can provide direct information on the free volume in polymers through the experimental parameters of the free volume hole distribution, their mean value, and volume fraction. This knowledge is currently applied for PALS ...