packetization 名词 信息分包;分包;分组相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P. N. 【医】 非蛋白氮 chen n. yang n. 杨振宁 R. N. 1. registered nurse 注册护士 2. Royal Navy N. clevelandii 克利夫兰烟【植】...
packetization 名词 信息分包;分包;分组相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P. N. 【医】 非蛋白氮 chen n. yang n. 杨振宁 R. N. 1. registered nurse 注册护士 2. Royal Navy N. clevelandii 克利夫兰烟【植】...
1. 分组 IT专业英语词典-P_IT专业英语词典_计算机... ... packet switching 分封交换packetization分组,分包 packing density 组装密度 ...|基于28个网页 2. 封包化 接下来探讨音讯资料的封包化(Packetization)。HDMI规格书明确规定,每一个音讯取样封包的子封包(Subpacket),必须包含零 … ...
packetization 中文翻译 1 n. 信息分包;分包;分组 packetization是什么意思,packetization在线翻译,packetization中文意思,packetization的中文翻译,packetization发音,packetization例句,packetization词组短语,packetization怎么翻译,单词packetization的意思 常用查询 新华字典 汉语词典 成语大全 百家姓大全 二十四节气 放假安排 字数...
packetization 词条 packetization 专业释义 <信息学>信息分包 <电气>分包;分组 词条提问
必应词典为您提供repacketization的释义,网络释义: 重新封包;重新打包;编解码器重新分组;
binary data packetization encoder / decoder based on COBS / SLIP encodingNOTE (>= v0.8.0) : DEPENDENT LIBRARIES REMOVED If you have already installed this library, please follow:Cloned from GitHub (manually): Please install dependent libraries manually Installed from library manager: re-install ...
An error-resilient image coding and fixed-length packetization scheme is presented to prevent packet loss from packet-switched networks. A wavelet coder based on set partition in hierarchy trees (SPIHT) algorithm encodes the wavelet coefficients into an embedded bitstream along with markers generated to...
This paper addresses the rate-distortion (R-D) optimal packetization (RDOP) of embedded bitstreams into independent source packets, in order to limit error propagation in transmission of images over packet noisy channels. The input embedded stream is assumed to be an interleaving of K independently...