Every day I need to queue lobby and check for 15 mins to verify if there is the 90% packet loss or not before queuing for a real game. "net_option SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster sgp" does seem to fix packet loss, but the ping becomes unplayable for me 45 to 279 by enabling that optio...
I also tested other games, ranging from CS:GO, Valorant, and Starcraft 2, none of them created any packet loss issue when I attempted to stream on Twitch nor if I tried them off-stream. I re-installed Dota from scratch and it seems the problem got even worse by doing so, the frequen...
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I'm experiencing packet loss of 30% on SEA servers since yesterday with a low ping of around 50ms However when I ping syd.valve.net servers I get 2% loss on 150 packets sent It only seems to happen in game. Ideas?