packed cell volume(PCV) 专业医学词典 收集细胞体积[用以表示培养物的相对增长率] 与"packed cell volume(PCV)"相近的词条 ... packed bed reactor packed capillary column packed cargo packed cell packed cell volume、packed-cell volume packed cell volume(PCV) packed cells packed cellvolume packed column...
英文缩写 PCV 英文缩写PCV 英文全称packed-cell volume 中文解释红细胞压缩体积 PCV意思,PCV的意思,PCV是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于PCV的解释和缩写,红细胞压缩体积的英文缩写是什么
packed-cell volume(PCV)hematocrit. plasma volumethe total volume of blood plasma, i.e., the extracellular fluid volume of the vascular space; see alsoblood volume. red cell volumethe total volume of red cells in the body; see alsoblood volume. ...
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) in Connection with Uterine Prolapse and in Parturient Paresis in CowsHematokrit i forbindelse med uterusprolaps og ved puerperal parese hos kucowpacked cell volumeuterine prolapseparturient paresishypovolaemic shock....
(redirected from packed-cell volume (PCV))Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial. volume 1. the magnitude of the three-dimensional space enclosed within or occupied by an object, geometric solid, etc. 2. fullness or intensity of tone or sound 3. History a roll or ...
英文缩写 PCV 英文全称packed-cell volume 中文解释红细胞压缩体积 缩写分类医药卫生, AFTAAAC向阿拉伯和非洲国家提供技术援助的阿拉伯基金(阿拉伯技术援助基金) AFUDE乌拉圭失踪人士亲属协会 AGC欧洲国际铁路干线协定 AGETIP促进就业公益工程局 AGFUND阿拉伯海湾国家基金 ...
PCV(packed cell volume) 词组短语 红细胞压积测定管hematocrit tube 红细胞压积离心机hematocrit centrifuge 红细胞压积测定器hematocrit set 总红细胞压积total packed cell volume; TPCV 静脉红细胞压积venous hematocrit; VH 红细胞压积测定Hematocrit Determination ...
packed cell vol·ume the volume of the blood cells in a sample of blood after it has been centrifuged in the hematocrit; normally, it amounts to 45% of the blood sample. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 pack·ed cell vol·ume (PCV) (pakt sel volyūm) Volume of the...
红细胞压积(pairconditionerkedcellvolume,PCV)又称红细胞比容(hembyocrit,Hct), 是指红细胞在血液中所占容积的比值,测定时将抗凝血在必然的条件下操纵离心沉淀,听说代工。即 可测得每升血液中血细胞所占容积的比值。 1.原理 在100刻度玻璃管中,充入抗凝血至刻度,经必然功夫离心后,学会红细胞压积 ...
网络血细胞压积 网络释义 1. 血细胞压积 心血管常用缩写__H_tauthor_心血管网 ... PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应PCV packed cell volume血细胞压积...|基于11个网页