和packed数组的主要区别是unpacked数组在物理存储时不能保证连续,而packed数组则能保证在物理上连续存储。 另一种看待unpacked数组和packed数组差异点的角度是,packed数组可以看成一个整体,一个单一向量。 unpacked数组的维度是在数组名称之后声明的,数组中内容可以是任何数据类型或者其他数组。 bit uP [3:0]; //1-D...
enum、struct也有packed和unpacked之分。编写design时,不能将unpacked类型的数据赋值给packed类型的数据,反之亦然。 packed类型的数据其元素(成员)也必须都是recursively packed的,unpacked数据可以包含packed或者unpacked,其中packed的数据内部的元素(成员)同样必须是recursively packed的...
SystemVerilog 中有两种类型的数组- packed array 和 unpacked array。 packed array用于引用在变量名称之前声明的维度。 bit[3:0]data;// Packed array or vectorlogicqueue[9:0];// unpacked array packed array保证表示为一组连续的位。它们只能用于单位数据类型(如、和其他递归packed array)组成。bitlogic Sing...
I found when trying to declare a parameter as a packed array (note that issue Support multidimensional parameters #846 refers to unpacked arrays). A suggestion/request to improve the error message displayed on unsupported features. I was trying to simulate this code (well, not this code exactly...
Packed and UnPacked Arrays. Solved by kurts1 in post #2 When you declare an array, there are two types of dimensions: packed and unpacked. For example, imagine you have a variable that is 12 bits wide: bit[11:0] avar; Now, say that you want to treat these 12 bits as 3 groups ...