价格: US $46.00 约335.47元 + US $38.37 运费 预计送达日期:11月1日, 星期三 - 11月10日, 星期五预计送达日期:11月1日, 星期三 - 11月10日, 星期五 退货: 30 天退货.由买家支付退货运费. 物品状况: 全新全新 NEW HP Keyboard 立即购买
Under the hood, you’ll find Packard’s venerable 327-cubic-inch L-head straight-eight with a four-barrel carb. It appears original, unmolested and has 72,580 original documented miles on it. Sure, this driver-quality 69-year-old Packard needs some work, but it’s straight and solid and...
Re: Access VDISK eva 3000 for temporary use I agree with you but... I consider it a failure of design, should allow read-only access to the vdisk while receiving the replacement parts. One can solve and give continuity to business processes by moving important files to end users. ...