meta-petalinux/recipes-core/packagegroups/ Line 151 in 5799be3 ${ROS_DEMO_PACKAGES} \ See above. This is duplicatively pulling in demos, not ros2-control. Nominally, this would be the fix: diff --git a/recipe...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['petalinux-image-minimal', 'packagegroup-petalinux-vitisai', 'vitis-ai-library'] Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown. Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code. ERROR: Failed to build project. Ch...
Hello,I have found that when adding packagegroup-core-buildessential using petalinux-config -c rootfs menu, my image is not been able to boot properly.The error isRAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0. VFS: Cannot open root device "(