docx.opc.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError:Package not found at'new.docx' 一、问题分析 在使用Python处理Word文档时,python-docx库是一个非常有用的工具。 然而,在使用过程中,我们可能会遇到PackageNotFoundError的错误,提示无法在指定的路径找到.docx包。 本文将详细分析这个问题的背景,探讨可能出错的原因,提供解决...
错误信息: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: Errno 13 Permission denied: '/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/llvmlite-0.28.0.dist-info' Consider using the--useroption or check the permissions. 需要加上--user:pip install <module> 改为 pip install --user <module> 代码...
Nutika 打包 docx 库 出现 docx.opc.exceptions.PackageNotFoundError: Package not found at 重现 用以下命令打包exe: nuitka --standalone --show-memory --show-progress --nofollow-imports --enable-plugin=pyqt5 --follow-import-to=utils,src --output-dir=out --windows-icon-from-ico=./termius_1....
conda install torch 报错PackageNotFound 错误信息: Fetching package metadata ... PackageNotFoundError: Package missing in current linux-64 channels: - torch Close matches found; did you mean one of these? torch: pytorch, libtorch 可以使用下面的指令来查找我们想要安装的torch包: anaconda search -t ...
-- package 'orocos-bfl' not found CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:283 (message): A required package was not found Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:337 (_pkg_check_modules_internal) ...
Error: Cannot find packagenotinstallederror 从错误信息中可以看出,问题主要出在 packagenotinstallederror 包本身以及我们安装它所依赖的其他包上。 二、解决方法 检查依赖项 首先,我们需要检查我们项目中是否安装了所有依赖项。打开项目目录,检查以下文件是否安装成功: ...
To be more precise though, if the file is found and it turns out not to be a zip archive, you get the same error. scannyclosed this ascompletedJul 9, 2021 scigncommentedJan 21, 2022 I got this error when I tried to open it in python while the file was still open in PowerPoint....
在软件安装过程中,经常会遇到 “packagenotinstallederror package is not installed in prefix” 的错误提示。这个错误提示表明,在安装过程中,所需的一个或多个依赖包(package)尚未正确安装或无法找到。 依赖包列表检查与安装 首先,我们需要确保软件包列表(如pip或yarn)中包含了所有必需的依赖包。我们可以使用以下命令...
ohpm ERROR: NOTFOUND package "@ohos/hypium" not found from all the registrieshttps://repo....
ERROR_INVALID_CATALOG_DATAThe catalog file for the specifieddriver packageis not valid or was not found. ERROR_INVALID_NAMEThe specified INF file path is not valid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERA supplied parameter is not valid. ERROR_NO_DEVICE_IDThe driver package does not specify a hardware identifi...