针对你提出的“[rospack] error: package 'pcl_ros' not found”问题,我将按照你提供的提示进行分点回答,并提供必要的代码片段。 1. 检查ROS环境是否正确配置 确保你的ROS环境已经正确配置。这通常包括设置ROS_MASTER_URI和ROS_HOSTNAME环境变量,并确保你的ROS_PACKAGE_PATH包含了所有工作空间的src目录。你可以通...
sudo apt-get install libpcl-dev pcl-tools 1. 其他过程中的编译报错
set(ament_cmake_cpplint_FOUND TRUE) ament_lint_auto_find_test_dependencies() endif() ament_package() 77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions 77 FW-mini-ros2/yhs_can_control/include/yhs_can_control/yhs_can_control_node.hpp Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0...
I am following the instructions on installing the cartographer_ros. First, I installed the dependencies via rosdep and I had to install OpenCV 3.2, install the dependencies and remove the opencv 3.2 as I am using version 4. Then, I tried to compile using catkin_make_isolated and keep getting...
3.ROS程序 链接: ROS支持的基本数据类型 ROS中添加头文件的位置 ROS动态参数设置(dynamic_reconfigure,官方方法) catkin_create_pkg --rosdistro chmod a+x和chmod u+x rosparam和ROS参数服务 plotjuggler rqt_plot rqt_bag ros_canopen安装 PCL库安装 出现报错Could not find a package configuration file provide...
ros2bag_MulRan ros2bag_MulRan is a ROS2 package for converting MulRan dataset raw data to ROS2 bag files. It is modified from the official file player respository. More information can be found there. Dependencies Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble PCL OpenCV sudo apt install ros-humble-pcl* sudo ap...
I'm building ros2_ouster from source on Ubuntu Focal against ROS2 Master, which depends on pcl_conversions and libpcl-all While rosdep shows a warning for libpcl-all, it does not show a warning for pcl_conversions: rosdep install --from ...
Update the ROS Bag File This script will update the camera matrices and the distortion coefficients in the/sensors/camera/camera_infotopic and creates a new bag file in the same location. Note, if you did not have any camera calibration information before, ROS would automatically pick the camer...
The tf migration is incomplete. Parts of both libraries are currently used. For exampletf::transformis used forpcl_ros::transformPointCloud. There is probably another way, but I have not figured it out yet. updatescan2cloudpackage to work with seam_detection ...
void lidarCallback(boost::shared_ptr<PPointCloud> cld, double timestamp) { pcl_conversions::toPCL(ros::Time(timestamp), cld->header.stamp); sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 output; pcl::toROSMsg(*cld, output); output.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // ADD lidarPublisher.publish(output);...