必应词典为您提供package-manager-console的释义,网络释义: 在包管理控制台;套件管理控制台;
1.接下来我们就可以使用EF的Migration来为我们的Village添加新的属性并同步到数据库了,现在在Village中添加一个OrderBy属性。 2.在Village中添加一个OrderBy属性之后,我们需要在Package Manager Console分别用命令add-migration -StartUpProjectName infrastructure.data.mainboundedcontext m2和Update-Database -StartUpProje...
5 安装包在控制台中通过:Install-Package 包名下图中,我们在项目中安装Log4net,因此输入Install-Package Log4net,由于我已在项目中安装了Log4net,因此提示已经安装,如下图所示:6 PowerShell命令的支持扩展功能,相当于智能感应。输入命令部分字符,按Tab键就可以查看输入的内容,从而实现智能感应,如下图所示:7 Power...
The Package Manager Console (PMC) tools for Entity Framework Core perform design-time development tasks. For example, they createmigrations, apply migrations, and generate code for a model based on an existing database. The commands run inside of Visual Studio using thePackage Manager Console. The...
Package Manager Console的使用 Find-Package PM> Find-Package autofac https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/ps-ref-find-package Id Versions Description -- --- --- Autofac {4.9.0} Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that appl...
打开Visual Studio,并确保已安装NuGet包管理器插件。 在Visual Studio的菜单栏中选择“工具”(Tools)选项,然后选择“NuGet包管理器”(NuGet Package Manager),再选择“包管理器控制台”(Package Manager Console)。 在打开的包管理器控制台中,可以执行各种NuGet命令。要执行Find-Package命令,...
The Package Manager Console in Visual Studio uses PowerShell commands to interact with NuGet packages. You can use the console when there's no way to do an operation through thePackage Manager UI. You can also usedotnet CLIorNuGet CLIcommands in the console. ...
Package Manager Console的使用 PM> Find-Package autofac https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/tools/ps-ref-find-package Id Versions Description -- --- --- Autofac {4.9.0} Autofac is an IoC container for Microsoft .NET. It manages the dependencies between classes so that applications stay...
I refer to the websitehttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/consume-packages/install-use-packages-powershelland it says we can access the console by selectTools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Consolefrom the top menu. However, I open the top menu tools ...
The Package Manager Console is available within Visual Studio by going toTools»Nuget Package Manager. If you want to use the Package Manager Console to execute migrations command, you need to ensure that the latest version ofMicrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Toolsis added to your project.json file...