PackageIdentity 元素指定在用户插入设备时应显示为建议的自动播放操作的 UWP 设备应用。用法syntax 复制 <PackageIdentity Name=”tns:PackageNameType” Publisher=”tns:PublisherType” /> Attributes展开表 Attribute类型必需说明 名称 tns:PackageNameType 是 从应用清单的 Identity 元素的 Name 属性复制此元素,如...
PackageIdentity 元素指定在用户插入设备时应显示为建议的自动播放操作的 UWP 设备应用。 用法 syntax <PackageIdentity Name=”tns:PackageNameType” Publisher=”tns:PublisherType” /> Attributes Attribute类型必需说明 名称 tns:PackageNameType 是 从应用清单的 Identity 元素的 Name 属性复制此元素,如备注中所述...
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER参数包含无效值;例如,未为非 NULL 缓冲区提供大小值。 这是错误代码。 STATUS_NOT_FOUND包标识不存在。 要求 要求值 最低受支持的客户端Windows 8 标头ntifs.h 另请参阅 RtlQueryPackageIdentityEx 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助...
Learn how to grant package identity to an unpackaged app so that you can use modern Windows features in that app.
@azure/identity-vscode: biztosítja a függőségeit VisualStudioCodeCredential , és engedélyezi azt Példa: JavaScript Másolás import { cachePersistencePlugin } from "@azure/identity-cache-persistence"; import { useIdentityPlugin, DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity"; useIdentityPlu...
Defines a globally unique identifier for a package. A package identity is represented as a tuple of attributes of the package.Element hierarchy<Package> <Identity>Syntaxsyntax Copy <Identity Name = A string between 3 and 50 characters in length that consists of alpha-numeric, period, and dash...
Identity.Dapper Find the corresponding NuGet package for your DBMS (Eg: Identity.Dapper.SqlServer). To configure the DBMS connection, you can add aDapperIdentityand aDapperIdentityCryptographysection to your configuration file like this: "DapperIdentity": {"ConnectionString":"Connection string of your...
The Identity Code Package empowers Oracle Database with the knowledge to recognize EPC coding schemes, support efficient storage and component level retrieval of EPC data, and comply with the EPCglobal Tag Data Translation 1.0 (TDT) standard that defines how to decode, encode, and translate between...
use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Werk365\IdentityDocuments\IdentityDocument; class ExampleController { public function id(Request $request){ $response = IdentityDocument::all($request->front, $request->back); return response()->json($response); } }...
<PackageIdentity Name = "tns:PackageNameType" Publisher = "tns:PublisherType"/> Attributes展開表格 AttributeTypeRequiredDescription Name tns:PackageNameType Yes A value of PackageNameType. Copy this element from the Name attribute of the app manifest's Identity element, described in Remarks. Publi...